
Ulje bundeve

43,00 KM183,00 KM


Brand:Ā Nefertiti for Natural Oils & Herbs
Country of Origin:Ā Egypt
Botanical Name:Ā Cucurbita Pepita
Family Name:Ā Cucurbits Gourd Family
INCL:Ā Cucurbita Pepo (Pumpkin)Ā Seed Oil
Synonyms:Ā pumpkin, Ų§Ł„Ł‚Ų±Ų¹, pumpkin seed, Š¢Ń‹ŠŗŠ²Š°, Š³Š°Ń€Š±ŃƒŠ·Š°, potiron, zucca, 南ē“œ
Parts Used:Ā Seeds
Extraction Method:Ā Cold Pressed
Scent:Ā Intense Nutty
Appearance:Ā Dark Brown-Green to Dark Red
Physical State:Ā Liquid
Natural:Ā Yes
Purity:Ā 100% Pure
Certificates:Ā ISO, COA & MSDS
Composition:Ā Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C minerals, chlorine, iron, fluorine, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, sulfur and zinc, as well as niacin, pyroxene, biotin, pantothenic acid, delta-7 setrin, beta sitosterol
Delivery:Ā Calculated at Checkout

Ulje bundeve ā€“ 125 ml
43,00 KM
Ulje bundeve ā€“ 200 ml
53,00 KM
Ulje bundeve ā€“ 300 ml
65,00 KM
Ulje bundeve ā€“ 500 ml
92,00 KM
Ulje bundeve ā€“ 1000 ml
183,00 KM

Besplatna dostava za sve narudžbe iznad 100 KM

  • Sve narudžbe do 14:30h Å”alju se na otpremu istog dana
  • Dostava u BiH (2-3 dana)

Ulje bundeve je snažan antioksidans, jača imuni sistem, te Å”titi tijelo od infekcija, alergija i onkoloÅ”kih bolesti. Pomaže u liječenju bolesti prostate (upale, rak prostate…), ciroze, hepatitisa, gastritisa, čira na želdacu i hemeroida. Spriječava nastanak kamena u bubregu, te pomaže u njegovom otklanjanju. Koristi se za liječenje mnogih bolesti, a najčeŔće se koristi u dermatologiji, ginekologiji i stomatologiji. Također, spriječava arterosklerozu i smanjuje krvni pritisak.

Ulje od bundeve

Additional information

Weight N/A
Veličina boce

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